TETRADIS presents its carbon report!

Posted on 16.07.2024

Since 2020, TETRADIS has been strengthening its position as a committed player by integrating CSR into its DNA and making strategic choices clearly geared towards more sustainable growth.

TETRADIS teams have been working for several months on the company's carbon footprint. Far from being a regulatory requirement, this is a proactive initiative designed to help us understand where our main emissions come from, so that we can improve our practices. 

This diagnosis was carried out jointly with greenhouse gas experts SAMI and the support of Bpifrance with its Décarbon'Action program. The analysis of scopes 1, 2 and 3 highlighted the following information: 

Over the year under review, the flows linked to TETRADIS activity resulted in the emission of 372 kg of CO2e per k€ of sales, or an average of 4.6 tonnes of CO2e per employee. To help you make sense of these figures, this corresponds to a 23-hectare mature French forest or 1,719 round-the-world trips in a diesel car. For our teams, these figures are a starting point towards more virtuous practices. The priority was to be able to make sense of them so as to know on which levers we can act and prioritize our actions:

• 82.5% relates to the purchase of components and raw materials for our activities
• 7% represents the end-of-life of our distributed products and solutions
• 5% represents the freight of our goods upstream or downstream of our action
• The remaining 8% is shared between travel, equipment, packaging, production waste, premises...

This step now enables us to understand where our main emissions come from, and to define coherent action plans to monitor our progress in terms of environmental commitments. Among the actions we intend to implement :

• Strengthen exchanges with our suppliers in order to monitor their commitment to CSR.
• Accelerate our progress in eco-design and support our customers in providing them with LCAs for our TETRADIS solutions.
• Continue to support our markets' and customers' re-use initiatives
• Consolidate all actions implemented to optimize transport of all our flows
• Carry out in-house awareness-raising actions with our teams to improve practices both within the company and in their day-to-day work.

This new stage in TETRADIS' CSR commitment is an opportunity to mobilize employees, and is a very concrete way of raising awareness of the environmental impact of our activities. One of our objectives? To encourage employees to take initiatives in their own areas of expertise, so as to improve collectively.  

If you're interested in this subject and would like to discuss it with us, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Find out more about our Diag Décarbon'action results.

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